Friday, June 27, 2008

Virtual Worlds & Online Diaries

What would it be like to share your diary within a virtual world? We've all seen text diaries, video diaries and photo diaries, but what would distinguish a virtual world diary?

Would you have your avatar act it out in real-time? Or would you create a space, like a virtual home, in which you share and express your life? Maybe the objects in the virtual home would mirror your real home. Maybe your family and friends would be represented by avatars or appear in a virtual scrapbook.

One way to create a virtual world diary is to reenact key moments in your life using avatars and record these moments as a video, Flash animation or macro, then play it back when others visit your virtual space.

Realistically, most people don't have the time to create a meaningful virtual reenactment. However, if there were an easy scripting tool, along the lines of a blogging mechanism, then creating a virtual diary using a set cast of avatars that you dress up might not be so daunting.

Another possibility is to focus less on your real life and instead create a diary that’s about your cyber life. I could envision people creating a diary of the places they visited online and what they thought. Using ROCKETON's browser plug-in, this could be easily automated. It could record the URLs a person visits, and that person could then add a running commentary using text, audio, video or photos. This would be a dairy of your thoughts while surfing, and like all diaries, it would be selective, only focusing on the highlights of each day in cyberspace.

I'll keep ruminating on this. In the meantime, I'd love to hear other people's thoughts on how a diary might take shape in a virtual space like Second Life or ROCKETON.

Captain Hoff